

On February 8/24 we had a home inspection done that was very poorly performed. I could not attend because I lived in Kingston and my wife had the car for work. ( 1 ) We were told by Eric he tried a electrical plug in every room and all was well. All was not well because the bathroom doesn't even have a plug. ( 2 ) The temperature of the hot water coming out of the taps is 150 degrees f . This could have scalded a person. ( 3 ) The furnace filter was completely plugged. The cavity the furnace is in was completely covethered with lint and dust. I had to take the byfold door off to get the filter out. Then I moved the door back to get the filter out and chahge it. ( 4 ) We were told that under the mobile home couldn't be checked because of the snow. We'll the entrance for under the home is in the 3 sided carport where was no snow. ( 5 ) There was no working smoke detectors. The 1st night we stayed the smoke detector was saying fire evacuate ( 6 ) the second smoke detector had no battery. ( 7 ) There were no GFI PLUGS inside or outside. ( 8 ) The bathroom sink was plugged. ( 9 ) The kitchen sink tap was leaking on the back. You could see there was extra caulking put there to stop the water from running under the counter top. ( 10 ) The dryer vent was plugged. (11 ) Some of the windows wouldn't close after opening because because one of the arms kept coming off the pin. ( 12 ) I should get our $600.00 back if not more. Y

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Company Response

I'm sorry this client is dissatisfied with the service I provided. I reviewed the complaint, as well as the provided report, and I'm a bit confused, but here is my response. 1) As per the protocol, we test at least one receptacle per room to ensure the circuit is properly grounded and polarized. I performed this test, in fact I tested more than one receptacle per room. There was no receptacle in the bathroom, this is true, and that is because this manufactured (mobile) home did not come with a receptacle in the bathroom. That was not a code requirement at the time of manufacturing, and therefore not required for this home. Yes, a receptacle in the bathroom would be beneficial, and it is required for more modern buildings, but this is not a deficiency. 2) The water heater must be replaced, as stated in my report on page 7 and page 11. 3) The furnace filter was marginally dirty but still in acceptable condition at the time of inspection. The house was rather dusty, and therefore I'm sure the move caused a substantial amount of dust to kick up while all the items were being packed, and all the furniture and boxes were being moved out of hte house. The move was done in the winter, therefore the heat would have been running constantly with the door open for the day of the move. This combination of factors would have likely saturated the filter with dust. There was also a period of a couple of months between the time of the inspection and the move-in date, which would have further contributed to dust accumulation since 1" filters have a life of only 3 months. Besides, we recommend replacing the filters upon moving in anyway. I would've replaced the filter at the time of inspection, even though it's not part of my job, but none were available. As for the bifold door, yes this was an issue, as discussed in the report on page 7 and page 19. 4) The underside of the mobile home could not be fully accessed. This is common with mobile homes. Due to this, I spent over 40 minutes examining and measuring the floors, walls, and ceilings, for evidence of torsion, differential settlement, shear cracks, tensile cracks, and other indications of underlying structural deficiencies. As noted in my report, there were no signs of ongoing structural displacement or stress, and therefore the structure was deemed to be structurally sound. 5) New smoke detectors must be installed, as noted on page 19, it is recommended by default to install all new smoke detectors upon moving in. There was a smoke detector at the time of inspection, I have the bodycam footage to confirm this, it is possible the previous owner took the detector when moving out, this I cannot confirm. 7) GFCI protection was not a requirement when this home was manufactured. As the receptacles consist of the original receptacles, they lack ground-fault protection. Again, as noted in my report, on page 14, "all bathroom and exterior receptacles must be GFCI-protected". 8) The bathroom sink was not plugged at the time of inspection. Again, I have the bodycam footage to confirm this. 9) I flow-tested the kitchen sink for 20 seconds and no leaks were detected. A leak may have occurred after the inspection, this I cannot confirm. Again, I have the bodycam footage to confirm the sink was thoroughly tested for leaks. 10) There's no way for us to test the dryer vent duct for blockage. We are not permitted to take the duct apart, as the inspection must be "hands off" as it is not our property nor our client's property (the buyer). We are not permitted to move items, furniture, boxes, etc. After 26 years of experience, I can always make my way around obstacles, but some things are simply impossible to detect. 11) All windows must be replaced, again and again, as noted in my report, on pages 7 and 18! Like I said, I'm confused as to why this client is dissatisfied. All the issues were reported in my report, most were reported in multiple sections. My report provides much more detail than typical software-based reports, I went into explaining about the broken seals, what it is, why the windows must be replaced, and so on and so forth. Perhaps the client is unfamiliar with the protocol of a home inspection, and our limitations to what we can and cannot do, I don't know. Again I'm sorry this client is not satisfied, but this was all in the report.