

Assisted Review

An assisted review is collected by a contractor on behalf of the homeowner after their work is completed. The homeowner must confirm the text of the review and may make any changes she or he deems appropriate. The homeowner then assigns the contractor a review score out of 10. Assisted reviews receive the same scrutiny as other reviews and must follow our review guidelines.

Last week I called Meredith at PC Service On Site to see what we could do to fix the setting on my HP Photosmart printer/scanner. The problem was that my scanner settings were creating PDF Files which were far too large to email to Fellow agents and my clients. Within a day or two, her partner, Pete Skinner arrived promptly at my home office and took a look at my setup. After a thorough investigation, Pete found what he was looking for buried deep within HP advanced settings menu. That made all the difference. After several test, we were able to scan a sample offer and reduce the size of the PDF's down to one third of what I'd been getting before and without losing any resolution! So now I can scan and email offers without them being humongous in size, a critical part of my business. Pete also installed Drop Box on all three of my computers so that I can transfer files quickly and easily plus have backup of all my important files store on the cloud. Thank you Meredith & Pete Skinner of PC Service On Site .... you made my day!

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