

Our belongings were loaded on one of the Across Canada Van Lines' container on Tuesday, February 21, 2012. It took the movers 5 hours (which included all of their breaks) 5 hours to load a 1 bedroom apt. I was not allowed to help. All boxes, etc were packed and marked. Usually we rent a UHaul, but decided to try ACVL. We left Ontario on Saturday, February 25th, 2012, driving through the US and Saskatchewan to Edmonton, Alberta. We arrived February 28th to find out that our belongings had not even left Ontario. We continued with frantic calls asking when would the delivery be. We were told that on the Tuesday, they could not load our container, so left it in Toronto. The interesting part is that we had to do all the calling to request information. We were NOT kept up to date. We complained about extra billing costs and had some deducted from the final invoice, especially with no delivery and no expected delivery date. To date, we have not received our things. The dispatcher was to call today, March 18, 2012 to let us know when our things will be delivered.....and of course...NO CALL. We have slept on an air mattress and live sparingly. This is challenging as my husband started a new job, I am applying (but my interview info, etc is coming, but not here), plus this is not a way to start a 'new life'. Sleeping on the air mattress and getting up from the floor is painful and challenging as I have arthritis and fibromynalgia. We will NEVER, EVER recommend or use this company again. This has been a nightmare, and it's still not over for us!!!

Approximate cost of services:
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Company Response

We apologize for any inconvenience that we may have caused you. The delay was due to unexpected volume of the shipments to Edmonton. We have delivered all your belongings and we have compensated with maximum monetary refund. We appreciate your patience during this time and once again we apologize for the inconvenience.