We received a recommendation from my wife's cousin. At the beginning it was quite difficult to get a hold of them, as most of the communication occurs over email. Wise precaution to have everything in writing, however you best check your junk filter to see if they have written back to you. After the dialogue gets started, they answer all your questions via email. After Robert does his visits your somewhat convinced that he may be the right person for the job. However what really convinced was the fact we were getting a good Vintage made product and the numerous negotiations and the pricing points they gave us to meet our budget. They were also a pretty stickler about knowing what their skills are worth. Willing to walk away from a job if the relationship is not mutually beneficial. There were sometimes when I had to remind certain conversations that took place, but once reminded they were willing to own up to what was discussed and take the necessary action. This proves the good customer service skills. We will be definitely continue with rest of the house with hardwood, just taking it one year at a time on different sections of the house.