Darryl saved at 125 year old willow tree, damaged from within, with a scary seam and deep crevice full of disease. I am 60 and had been loving this tree since I was 4 years old. He injured it properly to give it more life maybe another decade or more... like he saved a dying tree, and gave us notes as to how help sucker it back, creating a natural mulch agenda and protocol. He understands civic arbor policy and knows permits like no other. He is an avid diplomat regarding humans tress and civics. The tree by the way is flourishing as if it is 15 years old. Imagine if humans could regenerate after extreme age and illness? I have worked with over a dozen arborists since 2000 and Darryl is the one. Fair and Square. Beyond knowledgeable, beyond decent. The guy should write a book. Magician! And he beat everyone else's quote with a passion for the arbor. Trees and Tree lovers come first