Grand Building And Contracting

General Contractors
Toronto ON M2R 3V1
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HomeStars  >  Bathroom Renovation in North York  >  Grand Building And Contracting  >  Bathroom Reno and Patio Work
Chan Vir from Toronto
Chan Vir from Toronto
1 review Toronto, ON

Bathroom Reno and Patio Work

I've used Grand 3 times. This is a family company and they really care about their customers. What I like most is that they follow up their work to ensure quality. When my patio door leaked, the family came to see it, then the installers came, then the door manufacturer came (it was a manufacturing defect). The bathroom reno was a 10-day job and we enjoy the result. Even though there were some challenges, Grand worked with us to ensure the price did not increase. Tip: precisely define and cost all materials and fixtures in the contract.

I like Grand because they stand by their work and want my repeat business.

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Company Response

Thank you Mr Vir for your review, we greatly appreciate the feedback. We always strive to be better and improve on our processes when it comes to each and evey project we take on. In regards to your bathroom it is common to encounter challanges with renovations and we always try as hard as we can to maintain our intial agreed upon price. Since the completion of your bathroom 5 years ago we have since changed the way we handle pricing and selecting fixtures and finishes. During our preliminary consulatation we gauge the needs of the clients and discuss any specific requests. At this point based on our deep experience we set cetain budgets for each item and those bugets are incorporated into the price of the overall project. We are transparent with these budgets and we even go one step further by passing along our supplier discounts to our clients. If the client wishes to select an item that exceeds the allotted budget then they will be responsible for the difference. With the myraid of fixtures and finishes available on the market today we have found this approach to be the most effective.